I imagine this game will be lost with history within the next 20 years.
I imagine this game will be lost with history within the next 20 years.
While visiting a friend in 坡头村中国 (Po tou cun China) we told he and his friend that it was my father-in-law’s birthday. The friend is the local art teacher and was very excited about the birthday. They pulled out red paper and wrote him a a birthday wish. We will send the card in the mail to America soon.
The video camera you see is not mine. One video camera is owned in the area and they pulled it out and followed us around with it all day because we are the first foreigners to have ever visited their village.
We were spending time in 坡头村 (Po tou cun) a small village about an hour and a half outside of Xi’an China when the local art teacher paid a visit. He stayed for a while and at one point he started singing for us. It was a wonderful time.
This is where my husband will be working!